
Thursday, March 8, 2012


     What's happening in March?  More than you might have realized.  Check out and you'll find a reason (or an excuse) to celebrate just about anything.

     If you can believe Brownielocks (and she says all holidays and observances on her site have been authenticated), March is awareness month for 55 different causes, has 49 weekly observances, and has individual holidays too numerous to count.

     March is the month designated for Colorectal Awareness, Eye Donor Awareness, and Multiple Sclerosis Awareness.  In March, we celebrate Irish-American Awareness.  My husband likes that one.  March is also Optimism Month.  If you would rather support some less weighty subjects, you can adopt a rescued guinea pig, or glorify bell peppers, broccoli, berries, and cherries.

     My favorite weekly observances are Return the Borrowed Books Week (3/4 - 3/10), the World Rattlesnake Round Up (3/8 - 3/14), and Act Happy Week (3/19 - 3/25).  Why do we need Root Canal Awareness Week (3/25 - 3/31)?  If you ask me, people should just live in blissful ignorance on the subject of root canals.  You'll understand it soon enough when you need one.

     These are the holidays that I want to keep in March -

3/2 - Dr. Suess Day
3/11 - World Plumbing Day - What?  Who isn't grateful for indoor plumbing?
3/12 - Napping Day - The Monday after daylight savings time.
3/24 - National Chocolate Covered Raisins Day - The reason for Root Canal Awareness?
3/27 - Viagra Day - Just one day?  I would think the guys who use it celebrate every time they pop that blue pill.

     It's March 8th.  Today is Girls Write Now Day.  Have a happy.

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