
Friday, April 24, 2015

Some New Ones On Me

     I just listened to an audio book, a biography of Elvis Presley.  I learned some southern slang terms and some 1950's slang from this book that I really liked.  Some people think New Jerseyans have a colorful way of speaking, but I'm starting to think the good stuff comes from the south.

Clean as Ajax or Ain't this clean - When something is sharp looking.

To meet cute - To meet someone (usually a boyfriend or girlfriend) in church.

Mash note - A letter that expresses infatuation, a love note.

Strack - Military slang meaning looking sharp in your uniform in Elvis' day.  Urban Dictionary                      today defines strack "as having your sh*# together/ by the book/ ready to do your job."


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A Birthday Poem

     I usually make birthday cards.  Most of the people on Beverly's Birthday List enjoy getting my homemade greetings.  A while back I gave an unoriginal birthday gift (cash) with an original poem.  Feel free to borrow this one the next time you stuff some green into an envelope (unless you're Hallmark - then I want money, lot's of money).  This verse was written for someone turning seventy and works with 40, 50, 60, 80, and 90, but you could adjust for other birthday milestones.

We're glad to attend your birthday bash.
We hope you like the gift of cash.
Folding money's always hip.
Use it when you take a trip.
Drink enough to make you wobble.
Put it toward a shiny bauble.
Don't need anything 'cause your're blessed?
Set it aside to feather your nest.
Yes, you've reached seven-oh.
We wish you seventy more to go.