I'm pretty sure you have already heard that introverts, couch potatoes, bookworms, and yes, crocheters love the coronavirus stay-at-home orders. It's what they have been training for their whole lives is how the punchline goes. While I love being "forced" to stay inside and craft, the regular options can get boring. I watched a TV news segment last night which featured an arts and crafts activity - cutting out paper hearts and taping them to street facing windows, doors, and mail boxes. It's a way to brighten up the neighborhood, and more importantly, it's a way to say thank you to delivery people, mail carriers, and others who have to work while most of us stay home.
I didn't even have to draw my hearts. I used my Print Artist program to print the hearts on card stock. Then I cut them out. I haven't done a window display yet, but I did this today:
I printed hearts on card stock and added a thank you, |
One heart is taped next to the front door. |
Another heart is taped to the inside of the mailbox. |
I just received an email from Hainesport Township directing us to bag all trash for pick up. Loose trash left at the curb in cans could spread contagion to sanitation workers. My bag of trash for tomorrow's collection bears a thank you note. |