
Monday, June 25, 2012

What Would You Do for Five Dollars?

     A while back, I learned about a web site,  The site bills itself as, “The place for people to share things they’re willing to do for $5.”  One seller is willing to draw a picture for five dollars.  Another will write a 30 second jingle.  Still others will translate short documents from, for example, Chinese to English or from English to Polish.  One enterprising individual offers to provide a wake-up call for five dollars.  On the sillier side, a seller named haleylujah will perform a two minute dance to the music of your choice while wearing a hot dog costume.  What if you’re a little down and don’t feel like dancing?  Morningmist will send you an encouraging letter.  It’s going to cost you five dollars, though.  What if you don’t find what you want?  Simply post your desire, and someone out there might be willing to supply your demand for the going rate.
     So all this got me thinking.  What would I do for five dollars?  On a creative day, I might write a limerick for a fin.  However, my offerings, like haleylujah’s would likely fall into the silly category.  I would cut my toenails while singing “Sweet Georgia Brown” for anyone who would ante up the fee.  Would I eat a worm for a fiver?  No, but I would eat escargot for five bucks.  Or liver and onions.  What about one hundred dollars?  I would let a daddy long legs spider walk on me for one hundred dollars.  But I wouldn’t touch a cricket for one thousand dollars.  Or ten thousand dollars.  Crickets make my insides quiver.  They terrify me.    

     Reality show contestants do all sorts of crazy things for million dollar prizes.  I’ve seen them eat worms for that sum.  Could I eat a worm for a million dollars?  I think for a million dollars (that’s two hundred thousand five dollar bills) I would stand in a phone booth filled with crickets while singing “Sweet Georgia Brown” and chomping on a worm – naked.  Any takers?

1 comment:

  1. there are thing's i would do for five buck's but none are mentioned in your blog...LOL j.k.
