I love seeing the things people create from garbage. An Australian bride made her wedding dress from fabric scraps and bread tags. It looks pretty, but she says it was heavy and uncomfortable to wear. The dress didn't flex, so she had trouble sitting, and it clicked when she walked. For all the drawbacks, it might have been worth the discomfort considering that the dress became international news, and it cost only $38.00.
Here are some other recycled gowns:
Your Basic Black Trash Bag |
Made From Pop-tops - Reminds Me of Chainmail |
I doubt this would work at a pick-up bar. |
These dresses are extreme examples of recycling - just novelties. I'll bet you have enjoyed recycled items throughout your life, but you didn't look at them as having come from trash. What mom hasn't handed down clothing to the next child in line? My mother salvaged buttons from clothes that could be recycled no more. My grandmother made pillow cases and doll clothes from cotton feed sacks. Diapers made fantastic cleaning rags once babies were potty trained. You can't say that about Pampers! Crazy quilts came from any old rag or scrap of lace.
Recycling is a beautiful thing.
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